Saturday, November 7, 2009

Sometimes ur dreams do get larger than ur Life......!!!!

they say everyone has some dreams in life oderwise one cannot live....their life will probably have nothing to believe in...nothing to look 4ward to....but wat is one supposed to do when they have just one dream in their life and that oneday lies infront of their eyes shattered into a zillion pieces....shud they stop believing....shud they blame themselves....or their fate....or God...or maybe just cry and cry and there is no end to tears!!wat is the right thing to do??even after years have passed since that dream has ended...!!!!who ever says that time heals everything...u forget things....and all talking nothing but bull shit....sometimes one particular dream or maybe one particular thing gets bigger than ur life just gets bigger than everything..and when that ends there is really no hard way to get over will remain there 4ever...its a continuous struggle with urself every single day...and loosing in the same...and after all the time it just makes u realise no matter what, u cant win against ur fate...and its so hard to make urself understand...this is the reality...u can wear a thousand masks infront of others but deep down inside u have those eyes and that heart that cry and talk about its pain every single moment to itself....but still it hopes that maybe someday this pain will be lessened...that someday God will forgive it....someday some miracle will happen and maybe it will forget and forgive everything...but the curse of living with a broken dream just doesnt lives with u in the form of ur anger,irritation....and all these lead to ur not forgiving urself